A new seasons cruise

31st January 2013

We began the year with a quick trip ‘overseas’ to get an extension for Duet to stay another year in New Zealand. Norfolk Island is an extraordinary place isolated as it is from almost everywhere. It is the closest bit of Australia to New Zealand which is why we choose to go there. It is little visited by yachts as there is no harbour, just a roadstead in which you can anchor although the holding is not good and you have to be prepared to move very quickly when the wind changed direction. Our visit was extremely rapid, 12 hours in total, as Cyclone Erne was heading our way. 

as it is impossible to come alongside the jetty wall the cargo has to be unloaded into a lighter and then the crane hoists them onto the jetty.

Christmas weather was dreary but we had a great time in spite of that with our friends in the Beautiful Bay of Islands.


This year I have decided to practise aquaculture. I have discovered that bok choy, spring onions,leeks and celery will continue to grow when stood in a small amount of water. Spring onions are particularly successful as the tops re-grow really quickly so always a fresh supply of ‘chives’ to hand.


 I have my mini allotment of fresh veggies! 

No fish caught this year so far which is typical as Simon gave me a New soft bait rod for Christmas. 

The weather has been stunning ever since new year and instead of hooking a fish we dived for scallops of which there were plenty this year.

 Apart from sailing we have done quite a lot of walking in some of the most stunning places. Both of us are much fitter than we were!

Is it a bird or is it a ‘plane?

We visited the Murawai Australian Gannet colony. We spent hours watching these fascinating birds.

 It’s the breeding season – chick looking on as it’s parents bill and coo! Like all Kiwis they grew up, emigrate to Australia and then return when they are a lot older.

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