40:27:65S, 172:39:78E
Cape Farewell.

The wind swung around to the south and west, a perfect window for departure and sail up to Nelson. Once out of the sounds we set the sails and for the first 6 hours had a great sail up the coast enjoying the dramatic scenery.

Mollymawks and Albatross kept us company. Then the wind died so we slogged it out under engine for two days until close to Cape Farewell the wind finally filled in. It had been too calm for those huge birds to fly.

The large object in the distance that looked like an empty white container floating on the surface of the sea turned into a paddling wandering albatross. It took him quite a long time before he got lift off.

The beauty of the sounds is their different moods that can change in a heartbeat. When the clouds hang about the fiords it feels mysterious and primeval. Then when the sun breaks through, waterfalls crash where none were previously and glaciers sparkle in the distance. Calm and dreamy waters can be whipped into a maelstrom within minutes.

Then there is the fishing for cod, out with the line and within seconds you have tea for two!