Emergency management

Emergency management; the “what if….” question

This question, what do I do when this or that happens …. should always be on the mind of the prudent sailor. For example:

Lightning strike.

The only good thing is it won’t come as a bolt out of the blue. High towering built-up clouds, thunder in the distance and coming closer warn you.
You have some time to prepare. Continue reading Emergency management

Communications at sea


We have come a long way from smoke signalling to high speed internet access along an ever steeper curve of technical development. It is interesting to note that the latest technologies have not totally superseded the old and trusted ones. Smoke signals should be on board every life raft together with an Epirb and VHF radio. Old and new technology together.

Continue reading Communications at sea

Documents, paperwork and money.

Documents, paperwork and money.

Insurance contract.

Before you set off make sure to have an insurance contract. Start early to arrange a contract. Most insurers want a recent inspection of mast and rigging from a qualified rigger. Continue reading Documents, paperwork and money.

Safety equipment

Man over board

A life vest and harness with short lanyards for every crew member to prevent anyone going overboard in the first place. Continue reading Safety equipment

Dinghy and outboard

The dinghy is the private taxi, the shopping trolley, the swimming and fishing platform of our cruising life. We used ours to hack million years old ice from the glaciers in Alaska for a G&T, shop for gull eggs on the moraine and to photograph grizzly bears catching salmon from a close but safe distance. Continue reading Dinghy and outboard

Rudder and steering, autopilot and windvane

As a rudder comes with the yacht as a package one tends not to spend too much attention and time on the steering system including the rudder. Don’t take a well functioning rudder for granted and have a good look at it when the boat is hauled out. Drop the rudder enough to visually inspect the place where the stock sits in the lower bearing. Continue reading Rudder and steering, autopilot and windvane

Anchor gear, anchor, chain and winch

Anchor gear needs to keep you in the chosen position whatever nature throws at you. A dragging anchor puts boat and crew in immediate danger. The whole caboodle, often called ground tackle, consists of an anchor winch, a sufficient length of chain and an anchor. Continue reading Anchor gear, anchor, chain and winch

Sails, engine and fuel tanks

Sails are the main drivers and should be of good quality and shape to last the planned trip. Polyester is by far the most commonly used woven sailcloth under the trade name Dacron . This material provides value for money and if sourced from a reputable manufacturer lasts long. Not every Dacron cloth is the same so tell the sail maker about your cruising plans when ordering a new set of sails. To improve the lifespan of the sails put some effort in UV protection when at anchor by always putting up the sail cover on the mainsail and have a UV protection covering the leech of the headsail(s). The latest development is a painted on protection which comes with a warranty. Continue reading Sails, engine and fuel tanks

Safety, Protection and Accessibility

Safety starts with a sound and watertight hull. Through hull fittings of good quality and easily accessible, a good functioning stern gland for the prop shaft is most important. All through hull fittings should have a wooden plug attached just in case a hose tears off or even the valve itself gets smashed. On a regular basis the yacht will come out of the water for cleaning and anti-fouling. This is the time to inspect the fittings and grease the valves to make sure they are moveable. Continue reading Safety, Protection and Accessibility

Rigs and rigging

Most yachts have just one mast even the larger ones, a few are schooner, ketch or yawl rigged. A divided sail area is more easily handled by a small crew but less efficient than a single area. A yawl or ketch may have an advantage sailing on a reach but not upwind or downwind. Also the cruising clutter such as solar panels, wind generator, or dinghy over aft deck and a wind vane at the stern does not take friendly to a sail aft. Continue reading Rigs and rigging

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